All About Alarms, Specialising in domestic and small business alarms and CCTV.
Our ( CCTV ) Systems
View and record activity on your premises; any where, any time
A well-designed CCTV security system delivers multiple benefits. Some are obvious and others are less so, but all of our clients report immediate benefits after having a CCTV security system installed.
We believe there is little doubt that the presence of a security system acts as an increased deterrent and minimises unwanted entry, damage and robbery. Over our many years of CCTV design and installation, we’ve discovered that the system pays for itself over time.
Remote video monitoring of your premises, 24/7
Keep an eye on your home or business when you aren’t there. All of our CCTV systems are installed by network specialists, and can be viewed and controlled via iPhone, smart phone or other internet-connected device. A CCTV app is required to view your premises, we take our time to show you how it works and even help with all the set up so that you have peace of mind knowing that your premises can be view with the touch of a button.
CCTV for business
CCTV systems in business are increasingly popular, delivering multiple benefits to both staff and consumers including:
Reduced retail theft – Shoplifters deliberately target businesses with poor security. If they think they will be caught on camera, either as it happens or afterwards, they think twice (prosecution rates are also far higher for business owners with CCTV evidence)
Reduced staff theft – CCTV cameras can assist in the investigation of any criminal activities that may occur in the workplace
Eliminate fake insurance claims – CCTV can not only protect your business against claims that are not legitimate, but also reduce your insurance premiums
Safer working environment – CCTV systems help ensure staff comply with workplace health and safety policies and procedures
Staff and client protection – In organisations where there is the potential for assaults and claims of misconduct (such as hospitals or schools), CCTV can act as a preventative tool or provide evidence of the claim, and
Increased professionalism and productivity – CCTV cameras can encourage your employees to be more productive and responsive to clients, as well as monitor job performance and protect you from dishonest or irresponsible staff.
Talk to us about organising after-hours installation to avoid disruption to your business.
CCTV for home
CCTV systems have become an incredibly cost-effective method of monitoring homes. They provide:
Peace of mind – knowing you and your belongings are well protected, whether you are at home or away, provides a feeling of security that should not be underestimated
Increased detection and conviction – prosecution rates for home owners who have CCTV installed is far higher than for those who are unable to provide quality images as evidence
Advance warnings – you can often identify suspicious activity before a crime has been committed
Security with anti-social behaviour – Any harassment, or physical or criminal damage caused by bad neighbours can be identified and action taken
Increased security and safety around the property via remote monitoring, and
A low-cost method of keeping an eye on children and pets.